第5回 Golden Cup -JPDU関西-
- 日時:2011年7月17日
- 趣旨:現役生、OB、OGを含めた最強決定戦、2,3回生ジャッジの育成
- 会場:神戸大学
- 対象:ディベート歴2年以上
- スタイル:North American Style(2 on 2)
- 形式:3ラウンド+ブレイク
- Hiroshima Shudo University
- Kansai Gaidai University
- Kobe University
- Kyoto University
- Osaka University
- Osaka Prefecture University
- Tokushima University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- University of Kitakyusyu
- Yokohama National University
Team Prize
- The best team
- かさばる(Masahiro Nishizaki/Takeru Uchiyama)
- 2nd team
- KYOTO Worlds(Kaisu Cho/Masyhur A Hilmy)
- 3rd team
- 名前が思い付かない(Takaho Yamaguchi/Kazunari Kikuchi)
Speaker Prize
- The best speaker
- 2nd speaker
- 3rd speaker
- R1:THW ban on sale of violent video games to minors.
- R2:THW require individuals to use their true identity while communicating on the internet.
- R3:THW forbid the broadcasting of suicide.
- GF:THW legalize euthanasia.
Committee members
- Tournament Director
- Communication Director
- Adjudication Director
- Financial Director
- Tabulation Director
- Master of Ceremony